07. How can I reduce condensation in the flat?

If you discover damp or mould let us know and please follow these guidelines.

Damp occurs when warm moist air comes into contact with a cold surface, water is formed which damages the surface and causes mould. Spores grow when there is a combination of water and organic material (dirt & grease).

1. Do not dry clothes on the radiator as this will make more condensation.

2. Bedroom – open window at night, a little gap will do.

3. Bathroom – ensure full use of extractor fan &/or open window. Dry wet areas after use, using a squeegie.

4. Kitchen – ensure full use of extractor fan, cover pans when boiling.

5. Windows – wipe away condensation if it forms.

6. Maintain a low level of Heating 10 – 16 degrees centigrade throughout the Flat.

7. If mould appears remove it using mould killer, or a mild bleach solution.